Serving Away
Serving Abroad
John and Tessa Gillespie

Rebekah and Kandreas have moved to Cornwall! Rebekah will begin working with brother Jachin on his new business. This is Drea’s first time in the UK! Follow them here.

Johnny and Jenni are fostering 2 needy children.
Kath and Jake are expecting their baby boyNov.7 but could be any day!
Benjamin is still working for Unruh and making his own pieces on the side! Gillespie Woodcraft on Facebook

Prayer and Praises
1. PRAY for Nepal trip- God’s anointing and safety
2. PRAY – safe delivery of baby Mason any day!
Tessa’s trip to CA to help.
3. Praise and PRAY for continued heart healing, for John (check up showed some improvement)
4. PRAY – Rebekah and Kandreas in Cornwall
5. PRAY -Johnny and Jenni as they foster 2 needy kids
6. PRAY for John’s continued writing projects
7. PRAY -2019 trips and our preparation for new topics
DTS students and staff YWAM, Richmond
Dear Friends,
It is a joy to greet you in the Name that is above all names, Jesus Christ. We are so thankful that John’s heart has and is responding well to ongoing treatment and medication, as we remain”cleared for take-off” in our ministry to pastors and servants in Majority World nations.
We recently completed two weeks teaching forYouth With a Mission in Richmond, VA and here in Kansas City. As well as teaching, we are privileged to meet with individual students and couples in leadership in these settings to listen, answer theological and personal discipleship questions and pray through issues. What a blessing!
John leaves for Nepal later this month to join GTN colleagues training pastors in two different locations. The church of Jesus in Nepal is growing rapidly, so much so that it is undergoing increased opposition form the government, most recently in anti-conversion laws. Please pray that we will effectively train current and future leaders in that amazing land.
Tessa will not accompany John on this trip as she will be in California with Katherine and Jake for the birth of their second child (our 15th grandchild!) due November 7 but expected early.
We are beginning to put together 2019 trips. Our aim is to make fewer, but longer, trips as we combine locations, to make jet-lag a bit easier (good for our bodies) and to limit long-haul air travel (good for our finances).
As we look to 2019, we are seeing plans for India (in partnership with Global Orphan Project) in February, Rwanda (GTN), Germany (YWAM DBS ) and Poland (pastors and wives retreat) in May with probable trips to Peru in April and Haiti later in the year.
We also have a huge trip coming together for the autumn to the South Pacific to teach three YWAM Pacific Bible schools in Samoa, Solomon Islands, and Papua NG. There will be the preparation of much new material for these YWAM schools in particular. (Global Training Network fully endorses our partnering with YWAM, Global Orphan Project and other mission-minded ministries).
Please pray above all that we will have hearts for Jesus and His Gospel for these opportunities!
‘As much as we can, as well as we can, for as long as we can’,
Your servants for Jesus’ sake,
John and Tessa
As much as we can, as well as we can, for as long as we can.
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John and Tessa Gillespie
9110 W. 81st Terrace
Overland Park, KS
66204 USA
phone: 913-608-5183

In the USA contact:
Global Training Network
7558 W. Thunderbird Rd. Ste. 1
P.M.B. 449
Peoria, AZ 85381
Office line: 623-217-3867
Fax: 623-321-5805
In the UK contact:
PO Box 99
IG10 3QJ
Phone: 020-8502-5600
Our account #20123926