Meet Up For Coffee + Chat


Have a drink on us!

We understand that people have questions about the Christian faith.  We have attempted to address some misconceptions people have about Christianity here on this website.  However, there are bound to be further issues that those considering what it means to become a Christian may like to discuss – without feeling they first have to step inside a church building.

For this reason we would like to make it possible for genuine enquirers to share any questions they may have in the relaxed informal atmosphere of one of our town’s cafes.

The tab is on us too – on your first meet-up with us you’ll get a free drink * and the opportunity to chat with us about your interest in the Christian faith at your convenience. Simply hop over to our contact page, tick the ‘I am interested in meeting up for coffee…’ checkbox and we will email you to make an appointment.


* One free drink per person on your first time visit only.   Age restriction applies  (18 and over).  Maximum persons (guests) per visit – 2.  Genuine enquirers only.